A Nurturing Alternative to Calm-Down and Time-Out Rooms

Rose’s parents and teachers were concerned about how to help her find success in kindergarten. Sometimes she went with the flow but at other times Rose fussed so much that she disrupted the whole class.

Then her teachers devised a plan that everyone thought would help. They designated a small, separate section of the classroom as the “reset room,” a place where Rose could escape for a few minutes when she felt out of control or when a teacher felt she needed calming.

When her mom noticed a scratch on Rose’s cheek after school one day, the teacher explained that Rose had become so frustrated when asked to sit in the reset room that she had scratched her own face. Both teacher and mom were shaken and confused, unsure what to try next.

To be sure, it’s difficult for parents and professionals to manage disruptive behaviors. When a child who seems able to discern “good” and “bad” behaviors suddenly overturns furniture in a classroom or living room, adults can feel perplexed and concerned.

As someone who has witnessed hundreds of such situations, I understand the pain and bewilderment. I worry about the stress it causes for children and caregivers alike. But I’m just as concerned about the use of outdated methods such as time-out rooms.

These practices defy current neuroscience and what we know about the caring for the mental health of young children. It’s frustrating that what neuroscientists tell us about calming the human brain and body has not yet reached parents or many professionals in meaningful ways.

Here’s why it’s a bad idea to put children in time-out rooms or otherwise deny them meaningful contact with others.

Persistent disruptive, challenging, or defiant behaviors are, in most cases, a stress response to a situation in which expectations or requirements exceed a child’s available resources. Mainstream approaches to managing such behaviors assume that the child is intentionally trying to get attention, get out of doing something or just needs to settle down independently. But it’s a false premise that children can best calm down on their own. Most young children with persistent disruptive behaviors do not yet have this capacity.

Looking beneath the surface of behaviors, we find that most often, children with the most disruptive behaviors are the most vulnerable, and the ones whose automatic response is to go into a “fight or flight” mode. Enter the well-intentioned adults who want to help a child who constantly fights or flees. Logic tells us to separate the child from the well behaved kids so the child has space to collect himself and then reflect on his or her choice to misbehave. For many children like Rose, though, separation doesn’t teach a lesson, but rather exacerbates the stress response, creating more of a problem.

What children need instead is compassionate understanding through relationships and contact tailored to the individual needs of each child. Since supportive relationships build psychological resilience, they should be at the center of our approaches to helping children manage their behaviors and emotions.

When a child displays persistent disruptive behaviors it’s a clue that she needs a different type of support from the environment. She needs loving adults to be investigators to see what is happening below the surface of the behaviors. We can help children by turning reset rooms into relationship rooms, where adults compassionately decipher how to help the child return to calmness in mind and body. If we can find out what triggered the child into the disruptive behaviors, we can address what caused the behaviors in the first place.


  1. Persistent disruptive behaviors are likely a stress response. We need to understand the difference between a child who is experiencing a stress response and one who is purposefully misbehaving (most will be the former).
  2. Supportive adults can redefine their role from teaching the child why the behaviors were inappropriate (as the first line of defense), to helping the child calm down and feel connected through warmth and engagement.
  3. When we prioritize human connection that promotes states of calm and well-being, we prioritize emotional co-regulation (becoming calm with the help of another) before self-regulation (becoming calm on one’s own). Emotional co-regulation with loving caregivers sets the framework for emotional self-regulation later in life.

Consider the idea of repurposing calm-down rooms or time-out rooms as relationship rooms. Let’s use what we know about emotional resilience from neuroscience and bring that knowledge into our classrooms and living rooms.

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Yes! Thank you for writing this post. This message needs to resonate with all caregivers – parents and educators alike. Awareness is the answer so we can educate those who are unaware of the harmful effects that time-outs and calm-down rooms have on children who need the support of caring adults who have their best interests at heart.

Yes indeed! It also is less stressful to caregivers to provide loving presence than to punish. We have been conditioned to think that we need to teach children “lessons” about their behavior rather than to co-regulate emotionally as the first step.

Thank you! I am a mom of two, a one and a half year old and a three month old. I feel like I am entering a new stage of development with my one and a half year old, and he is becoming more frustrated because of his difficulty of communicating what he wants or needs or how he feels. This helps me gain a perspective of how to address certain actions by him with patience and understanding! Thank you. A great article.

Well thank you so much Brittany!! You sound like an amazing mom!

What do you say or talk about in the relationship room after an incident? Lately my 2 year old has been acting out more, and it seems frequently during the time I’m busy cooking dinner. She will touch things I’ve repeatedly asked her not to, mostly eating breads and fruits on the counter because we don’t have a place to store them. I try to tell her if she eats or touches those things I’m going to ask her to play in the living room while I’m cooking and we can spend time together again at dinner time once I’m done cooking. But it feels like time out just not calling it that… it’s hard to take time to be with her while I’m cooking because I can’t really leave something on the stove unattended for a period of time. Or she will hit her sister (1yr) while the three of us are in the kitchen while I’m cooking so I say she’s having a hard time not hitting and it’s not ok to hit people because it hurts them so I’m going to help you to the living room and you can have sometime to yourself while I finish cooking. Is there something else I can say or do to help with this?

Hi Erin,
I can’t comment on specific situations without knowing the child, but what you describe sounds reasonable for a 2 YO, to keep everyone safe! (and to be able to cook 🙂
I was thinking of kids who are persistently taken away to a time out space–more in preschool and school settings than with a loving parent in the home, when sometimes its necessary to have the child play close by. Thanks for commenting!

Any thoughts on alternative schools with time out rooms, and classrooms full of students with emotional behavioral disorders” and times when they become dysregulated and puts others’ safety at risk? Thanks!

Such a great question, Linda. Most schools have staffing constraints which makes it difficult to provide one on one support when students need it the most. Safety is paramount. One school has a staff member who can flexibly attend to the child or children in the calm-down room. In that way it’s not looked at as a punishment but somewhere to settle with the help of a caring and compassionate adult.

I would love it if the field could provide more guidance to parent about HOW to implement such emotional co-regulation in a “relationship room.” A big challenge is what to do with kids are already in a situation of total disregulation–particularly since the parent is likely becoming disregulated at this point too. One thing that has helped in my family is tag-teaming with my spouse. The still-regulated parent can take over for the disregulated parent and have better luck calming the disregulated kid. however, the disregulated parent–being disregulated–is not always receptive to this approach.

Also re point 2: most of these kids don’t need to be taught that their behavior is not appropriate. they already know it, and the fact that they’ve done it anyway makes them feel worse about themselves. I think this actually might be what you meant, but I wasn’t quite sure.

Agreed! I have had a hard time finding a resource on supporting emotional regulation through relationships so I’m writing a book on it–should be out in March… Yes, they know it and they also don’t know why they have the behaviors because its sub conscious and they have not yet developed the symbolic capacities to analyze their behaviors. But there are still plenty of things we can do to help them back to the calm and alert zone, based on each child’s unique needs…

I feel there is an exception to this with the introverted child (i’m thinking of the book Quiet), who may be triggered by a group activity, group sharing or too many kids. That kid may be craving space away from others to recenter, rather than an engaged adult who can sometimes be ‘too’ engaged and in their face. These situations are so challenging. Thanks for writing this article and I look forward to your book!

Hi Wendy, Excellent point! I agree, the roadmap should be the child’s individual differences and each child will have their own pathway to calm. Thanks for sharing!

I hear where you are coming from, and I think it’s a great idea. I have an 11yr old son with autism, who, when he enters the “red zone” (he’s been through the cognitive behavioral therapy using the Zones of Regulation), is required to use his “tools” to help him calm down. One of them is to go to a separate area from where he is to calm down. We have an airwalker swing in one living space, and he has a weighted blanket he uses on his bed, in addition to all kinds of fidgets, and his water bottle. A lot of times, when he becomes extremely upset, he fights with words, and he perseverates on the situation and will not back down or back out or away. So, arguing with brothers or one of us as his parent, say, in the kitchen (cooking dinner where we can’t necessarily just walk out and leave the stove going), and we tell him he needs to go to his room to calm down (or downstairs in the swing – he is given options for where he wants to go.) Typically, someone (a parent – his brothers can’t do this) ends up having to take him there because he will not go on his own. By that time, he is usually in full meltdown mode and we usually stay with him to help him calm down. We don’t speak or discuss what happened right away. We don’t respond when he screams in our faces or if he tries to hurt us. We just do our best to keep him safe from himself until he is calm enough to talk through things. I’m wondering what we can do better? We do notice that trying to send him away to calm down ignites even more stress, so we try to make it something we do together so we can help him calm down, but we have learned from ABA therapy that if he isn’t behaving appropriately to the situation, he needs to be removed from that environment. But other times, especially if one parent is dealing with him alone and is reaching their own tipping point, it ends up being more necessary for him to go calm down on his own without us, because we are not calm ourselves. I don’t know how to help that, other than by gaining supernatural powers so I am completely unaffected by emotions during that time. It’s so hard!

HI Sarah,
yes, it is so hard for sure! There are many schools of thought. I believe that each child’s individual differences need to be taken into account to help calm as soon as possible. I’m not sure if you’ve take a look at my new book, but its written for treatment teams and providers to help with emotional regulation and social-emotional development. It may be useful. Thanks for commenting!